Monday, September 24, 2007

More Stuff, and yet to Come

This is yet another list, so just take it like it is.

This is in no particular order, and there is no real explanation, nor is it complete, it just some stuff the farm will need to either allocate or build as the case may be to be profitable. It does not mean it all needs to be there right away, or that substitutions can not be made, it is just an incomplete list of stuff that I was thinking would be good for the growth of the farm, and its general profitability, keeping in mind all the various markets, and the sustainability too.

  1. Tractor 40hp minimum

  2. Tractor 60+hp minimum

  3. Hay cutter

  4. Flail cutter

  5. Hay Baler square

  6. Wagons

  7. Horse Implements

  8. Plows

  9. Plug planter

  10. Roto tiller

  11. Disc

  12. Drags

  13. Rakes

  14. Harnesses

  15. Barn

  16. Equipment Barn

  17. Milk Parlor

  18. Milk Processing Plant

  19. Vegetable Processing Plant

  20. Cold Storage

  21. Hard cold storage

  22. Dry storage

  23. Silos

  24. Chicken coop

  25. Duck coop

  26. Forge

  27. Kiln

  28. Brick bakery

  29. Workshops

  30. Water tanks

  31. Dump bed stake rack truck (heavy)

  32. Pick Up with 5th wheel

  33. Animal trailer with 5th wheel and apartment

I forgot most of the list I had already written, so I will have to update this list. I just can't get it to work the way I want it to. It seems that blogger is not the place to try to compose the list, as it is extremely slow, even for my pathetic typing speed. If I get on a roll I leave the type in the dust, and hae to wait for it to catch up so that I am sure it hasn't forgot something. Most of the time it is pretty good about just regular text being typed, but then you try to do something like make a quick correction, of just get going and the interface breaks. Oh well, so sad, I'm sure it is partly my bandwidth. I am listening to the radio at the same time, so that can't be helping the situation.

Well anyways about the farm stuff, it is just a bunch of things, stuff we should consider, prioritize, and plan for, and that's it. It needs more explanation and definitions but there it is, at least some what.

Moving on, I will probably rewrite the entire site in a different program and then post it here, so that I don't have to suffer the aggravation of the interface and bandwidth.

That's it,

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